Friday, September 28, 2007

English, the way I like it...

Shut Up. I can talk English. I can walk English. I can laugh English. You bloody fellow.
Vaiyapuri in Tamil becomes YPuri in English and Velpuri in Hindi.

Sir, English is a very funny language sir.

English is the passion of the nation. It’s the condition and consideration and the conjunction becomes the injunction and the injunction becomes annotations. Frustration and temptation are common to all nations. Because conditions becomes contradictions and predictions becomes premonitions. That’s why it results in pollution, diffusion, destruction, demolition, derogation, declaration, degeneration, definition, deliberation and decoction.

Now general knowledge. Cricket. In the year 1929, when India was playing against Australia in Melbourne...

PS: was watching Velaikaran a few days ago, and it just made my day so much brighter than it was.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

excellent extraordinary performance by rajini